"A small collection of clips illustrating a variety of styles from the fast-moving to the quietly reflective to action adventure to momentum “
This clip is from some theme music written for a crime thriller.
“ Just a couple of pieces to give you a flavour of recent music written for dramatic themes “
A small selection of pieces written and produced this year ; the trailer for a new film called “ Blooded ” , an interesting piece for a recent short film called “ Open “ and a suspenseful piece called Temple Mount.
These three clips illustrate a taste of mystery and suspense for different requirements.
A variety of styles here – some different flavours all with a romantic connection in one form or another.
Two very different clips to listen to from the fast moving to the more pensive style of sci-fi / fantasy.
Three different music clips showing some variety of style for the particular needs of film trailers
The first three of these clips were produced for the 100 th birthday celebration of Nelson Mandela. The first clip is from the theme music adopted by the Nelson Mandela Foundation for the event in 2018. The fourth clip is from a new song written for a new film called Tulsa 21.